NTT DOCOMO, INC., and NTT Anode Energy Corporation (NTT AE) announced today that they will sign an off-site corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to power DOCOMO’s Okayama building which houses network facilities fully with renewable energy, mainly from NTT AE’s newly constructed solar power plant, beginning this April.
This will be the first time for DOCOMO to implement an off-site PPA and is part of the company’s efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by 2030. The new solar power plant, which will supply electrical power exclusively to DOCOMO, will ensure that the company has stable, long-term access to power even if Japan’s energy market ever becomes unstable.
Through the new plant, which is located in Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture under the off-site PPA, NTT AE, acting as a distributor for its subsidiary ENNET Corporation, will supply electricity to the building in Okayama via the public power transmission and distribution network. For any contracted electricity that cannot be provided solely via solar power under the off-site PPA, NTT AE will purchase non-fossil certificates designated for renewable energy, to ensure that the percentage of power supplied to and used by the building will be raised to be classified as renewable to 100%. As a result, the building is expected to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (including non-fossil certificates) by approximately 10,000 tons per year.
Going forward, DOCOMO and NTT AE will continue to utilize NTT group assets to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions by adopting more renewable energy with additionality, thereby contributing to a carbon-neutral society in Japan.