Divorce proceedings are a very difficult stage in human life. One way or another, it promises harmful experiences and emotions that can drag on for even more than one month. Unfortunately, former drug or alcohol addicts may be at risk of recrudescence due to stressful situations.

One of the causes of recurrence is an acute stressful situation. It’s not a secret that divorce is just such a case. In this article, you will learn what to do to avoid relapse that may be caused by divorce.

When Can Relapse Begin?

You must realize that recrudescence does not begin with alcohol/drug use, but long before that. It starts at the level of emotions, consciousness and human experiences. Human is structured in such a way that all the events that occur in life must be experienced. And the more important an event for a person, the stronger the reaction is. Divorce brings extremely damaging emotions and can bring chaos in the life of even those who have never had addictions. And those who have had problems of this kind are at high risk of recurrence.

If we consider divorce as a starting point for relapse, then this process can be started from the moment a person finds out that he or she will get a divorce. The next reason may be a problem with the filling legal forms divorce and so on. Conversations with a spouse, quarrels and upcoming changes are a set of those factors that can return to addiction. To protect yourself from the stress and uncertainty that is caused by legal aspects, it is better to use divorce help online and start from Utah divorce online service.

How to Avoid Relapse

It is worth noting that the breakdown does not begin in an instant. Relapse is a process that can be prevented if you notice it in time. It is important to develop skills of introspection and understanding of your inner self. Even if you think that a divorce will not cause a relapse, it is better to play it safe. Here are the following preventative measures that can help you not to return to hell with alcohol and drugs.

  • You need to get help from specialists. None of us are superhuman. From time to time, we all get tired, sad or depressed, and this is especially true during and after a divorce. If you understand that divorce can cause a recrudescence, then do not wait and make an appointment with a psychologist. So you protect yourself from a breakdown and prevent the risk of relapse.
  • You will feel the temptation to take alcohol/drug again. Avoid people, places, and situations in which you have previously used alcohol/drugs. Also completely restrict communication with those people with whom you did this together. Surround yourself with people who do not have such addictions and who support you with your intention to start a new life without your ex and bad habits as well. If you had problems with drugs, then alcohol consumption should also be reduced to zero. Alcohol weakens inhibitory processes and interferes with rational thinking. Thus, exposure to alcohol can quickly bring back thoughts about drug use.
  • For some time, move away from situations that annoy you. If you feel annoyed, then go for a walk or jog, listen to your favorite music, or take a warm shower.
  • Spill negative emotions in time. If you understand that you cannot calm down, then you need to pour out all the negative feelings. It is clear that it is not the best idea to spill negative emotions on the spouse because divorce probably gives most of the negative. Instead, you can write your ex a letter that you will not send. Call a friend and say that your nerves are at the limit and ask him to listen to you. This is also a good way to speak out, although not to the culprit of your indignation.
  • Make it a rule to count to ten every time you have thoughts to return to addiction or you are nervous. Try to relax your body, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This will slow down the heart and also calm you and your feelings.
  • Direct your energy to movement and physical activity. Physical activity does not only mean playing sports or visiting an expensive gym. It also involves a simple walk, housework and so on.
  • Try to distract your thoughts. Read a magazine, solve a crossword puzzle, listen to music or go for a walk. You can also describe your feelings on paper or do other types of creativity, for example, draw.
  • Meet friends and family members who do not use drugs/alcohol. When you spend time with loved ones, you feel care and love. If you don’t always have the opportunity to talk with loved ones face to face, keep in touch by phone or via the Internet.
  • Do not be afraid to talk about your feelings. This will help to cope with a difficult period. This is not a sign of weakness! Thus, you take responsibility for your mental well-being.
  • Yes, divorce is a real tragedy in life. But you should not allow this event to return you to that hell of dependence, from which you were so earnestly saved. Moreover, it is quite real!

Change your attitude towards divorce proceedings. If you cannot do this yourself, seek professional divorce help online and meet a psychologist. Thanks to first aid, you will eliminate unnecessary experiences, and with the help of the second, you can resist the desire to return to addictions. Such preventive measures will help not destroy your new life. Remember, after a divorce, the doors to a new and happy life open before you even if it seems impossible now!

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