Intel’s X99 Chipset motherboards are the latest top of the line motherboard from Intel featuring support for the fastest CPU and memory configurations a consumer could get. Now ASRock at CeBIT is redefining the scope of the X99, as they managed to cram the chipset in a Mini-ITX form factor courtesy of the X99E-ITX/AC motherboard.
The LGA 2011-3 socket is huge, and ASRock had no choice but to use a narrow ILM (56×94 mm) CPU cooler mounting platform so cooler compatibility is not that huge. Regardless, the board supports Intel Core i7 and Xeon Core Processors with up to 18 cores, and DDR4 DIMMs with 3000+ MHz frequencies. No SO-DIMM support here for quad channel purposes as DDR4 SO-DIMMs weren’t widely available.
I/O ports were good – 7.1 audio, Dual NIC, a host of USB 3.0 + 3.1 goodness, and a legacy PS/2 port among the few. ASRock also decided to add a smartphone stand + wireless range extender combo for kicks.
The target audience of the X99E-ITX/AC is a small percentage of the consumers, but I could see its application where a beastly CPU performance is needed while taking form factor into account. Nonetheless someone will always buy something like this.
Source: KitGuru